All selected plans need to be confirmed for the specific address by us. Internet speeds may vary depending on usage, network congestion and location.
We offer Static IP for Free
We offer Static IP for Free
We offer Static IP for Free
We offer Static IP for Free
Save on data while at home when you connect to our Advance WiFi network at your home.Enjoy fast speed on our WiFi network
You will experience best customer service while on the phone with our agents either placing new orders or reporting for trouble .
Save you time while calling us.We do not put your calls on hold.We try to clear all service calls same day if we get it by noon.
A complete suite of Professional installation Professional installation AC Wi-Fi modem A wired modem or the 802.11 AC Wi-Fi modem Technical support Technical service 7 days a week
Verge IP is a growing Phone, Internet & Mobile Phone service provider who gives you freedom to choose any service without any contract or commitment.We believe in providing good customer service & quality products to our customers.Our first goal to achieve is our customer’s satisfaction.We have complete product line for all kind of residential & business customers.
We are firm believer of after sale service.To support this, we have our knowledgeable team of support staff & field service technicians.All of our team members are capable of handling full support of all of our product .We make sure that we stand behind our product & our customers experience the world class service of all of our products.
Please call us for any kind of residential or business enquirers.